The journey to Cycle 10k for CSSEF – Twilight Runway Challenge
Day 2 of cycling 20/03/2021
I want to wish everyone the brightest of blessings on this not so sunny Spring Equinox weekend. As the light returns and the days lengthen, may your dreams, desires, and seeds planted for the coming year come to fruition.
I didn’t quite make it out at sunrise as I was searching for tools sadly, though to be fair with the cloud cover, sunrise was not have been seen here on the farm, just a lessening of darkness on this particular Spring Equinox.
Being disabled means listening to my body. Everyone should listen to their bodies, but lots of people do not and often fight against their bodies as a result, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Prior to my accident in 2004 I was what I will call differently abled. I had physical conditions that I was born with, that were not always acknowledged by healthcare as impacting my life due to the lesser knowledge they had when I was growing up and as a young adult. They were enough though to nearly stop me from being able to nurse when I had to attend occupational health assessments. Thankfully, knowing my body, I was able to show I could do everything required of me by having found ways to make it work for me – hence differently abled. Since my accident that has changed dramatically, and I really can not do certain things anymore. Add to this a physical deterioration things become more challenging over time and the past year has shown a greater deterioration.
Today I had the task of working out how I could change the set up of my faithful bike, who I have had for around 25 years after my first mountain bike was stolen from outside my home. At that time I was a very keen cyclist, and spent time off road mountain biking, as well as cycling to work and any other time I could, so brought the best I could afford at that time. I have pretty much not changed how I had my bike set up for this sport/cycling activities even after my accident, it was how I was used to riding. For the first time (and perhaps I should have changed this at a year or two ago) I Really realised I had to change this to take some pressure off my back and shoulders. This is where listening to my body is important. I listened right now because I know if I am going to be successful in meeting the challenge I have set myself, this is what I need to do.
Consequently, today was not about how far I could cycle, but about my comfort and reducing pain when cycling and therefore afterwards. I’m not talking about the aches after a cycle from exercising, but about pain in a broken body. This involved lots of stopping and starting, raising and lowering handlebars and saddle to get to that best position for me and my body in it’s present state, sadly due to the frame limits of this bike, I did have to make some compromises, but they are acceptable compromises – making adaptions and compromises for a changing disability is something that a lot of physically disabled people have to go through, some more frequently than others depending on the stability or frequency of deterioration of their disability. These changes will become especially important when I get to a point of pushing past my comfort distance of 5k.
I also re-evaluated the travel arrangements for my bike in the back of my van. When I brought this bike I had a small car, so actually brought a bike I could take both wheels off – thank goodness for quick release wheels – to make it easier to get in the boot. This will certainly help when transporting it now, as although I have a van, I have a wheelchair and a bed in the back of my van to then fit the bike around! Or maybe I need a bigger van haha……….
The win for today, not only did I get my bike to the best position it can offer me and I can live with and a better way to transport it. I also actually traveled (though not in one continuous cycle on this occasion) 3.6k.
I would like to say a huge thank you to those who have donated so far. I appreciate the support from the bottom of my heart, as I know CSSEF will as well.
If you would like to know why more about this challenge and perhaps donate to this amazing charity if you feel able
To find out more about CSSEF please copy and paste address:
To find out more about the Twilight Runway Challenge please copy and paste this address:
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