
Nutrition is essential to your physical and mental health alike.

Do you ever feel sluggish?  Does you mood dip?   Do you lack energy??

Would you like to understand the connection between your nutrition and how you feel?

Within Nutrition I will help you look at what you put into your body and the impact it has, to help you to get the best out of it.  It may be that you just want a little tweak here and there or perhaps you have just been diagnosed with a physical illness such as Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue or MS.  I can still help and support you to understand the changes your body needs in it's nutritional intake.

Perhaps you suffer from depression or anxiety, nutrition can help (it's not a cure but it can help) with this. 

It doesn't matter if you eat meat, are vegetarian or vegan, there are always nutritional ways to help.  Good health starts with good gut health and there are many ways to achieve this, whether you have a great wage that can buy you the best food available or you are on a budget, it doesn't matter there are always ways to help.  The first step is always making that call or sending that email to have a chat and your journey can start or continue with your learning of how to help your mental and physical health through what you put into your body.

Price on request, with some concessional rates for those on low income.