The journey to Cycle 10k for CSSEF – end of Week 3

Submitted by Diane on

The journey to Cycle 10k for CSSEF – Twilight Runway Challenge

Week 3

My 3rd cycle of the week saw the most fabulous early morning sun, the long shadows the sun casts as it is rising, the frost still on the grass, and the need to scrape my van windows on the side the sun had not yet warmed through.

When I arrived for my cycle it was 0 degrees centigrade after a really fresh cold night.

I love exercising early morning, and especially on mornings like today, you can see Spring is here, but there is still that bite in the mornings.  I also love camping at this time of year waking up in my van, making a cuppa and opening the door to see the steam rising from my breath and cup, as the sun starts to warm the Earth once again.  Mornings like this mean lots of layers and I kinda felt a little like the Michelin man from the tyre adverts. 

I am trying to memorise the words to Fight Song by Rachel Platten so that I can also learn and memorise the signs for our teacher Fletch@ BSL interpretation for Sign Choir.  So, my plan – do a slower cycle, with Fight Song on repeat in my ears.  Then I can be listening away seeing in my minds eye the signs to go along with the words, when I realise I am not just seeing in my mind’s eye, but I am signing one handed whilst cycling one handed and getting really engrossed in this.

Queue people and dogs to navigate, they looked rather confused as I stop signing to get past them safely – two hands on the handlebars, - then carry on with signing where the song has got to once past them.  Hey perhaps I can get this, well at least with my dominant signing hand anyway!  Here’s hoping I can get my non dominant hand to join in and know what it’s supposed to do when not cycling!

After a lovely cycle, I got to sun worship for awhile as the temperature had raised to a barmy 5 degrees.  What a wonderful start to the day. 


And a Happy Easter to all who celebrate it.


Please if you feel able to share my posts, to raise awareness of the challenge I have set myself and help me reach my fundraising goal for this very worthy charity.

If you would like to know why more about this challenge and perhaps donate to this amazing charity if you feel able


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To find out more about the Twilight Runway Challenge please copy and paste this address: