The journey to Cycle 10k for CSSEF - Week 4

Submitted by Diane on

The journey to Cycle 10k for CSSEF – Twilight Runway Challenge

Week 4  


Virginmoneygiving page tells me it 158 days till my challenge! My total so far is £108 or £133 with gift aid added.  This is incredible thank you all for helping me.

This week is seeing a more challenging week for me physically, I have learnt my lesson that cycling Sunday in such cold weather, followed by more days of cold weather, has put me back in my winter pain and stressed body unable to do.  So, lesson learnt I will not be doing this again.  But it has now knocked me a week off my cycling.  It’s ok though I have plenty of time to get to the full 10k, this is also why as a disabled person this is a challenge for me, but one I am absolutely up for.  I am determined and will not let anyone down, I will make the 10k.

So please if you are able to contribute (I would Love to make the £500 I have set myself) every penny really does make a difference to me and CSSEF.  I will be back on my bike at the weekend when the weather has warmed again and keeping you all updated to my continued progress, because there is always progress.


Please if you feel able to share my posts, to raise awareness of the challenge I have set myself and help me reach my fundraising goal for this very worthy charity.

If you would like to know why more about this challenge and perhaps donate to this amazing charity if you feel able


To find out more about CSSEF please copy and paste address:


To find out more about the Twilight Runway Challenge please copy and paste this address:


To read all my blog posts about this challenge please visit my website


#CSSEF #deafawareness #twilightrunwaychallenge #charity #mentalhealth #Challenge

 #donate #PhysicalFitnesschallenge #fundraising #supportdeafchildren