The journey to Cycle 10k for CSSEF – Twilight Runway Challenge
Week 2 saw 2 cycles this week so far, I am aiming to cycle 3 times each week to build up to the 10k.
This week I have cycled twice, it has been a tough week with fatigue hitting me. Fatigue is part of fibromyalgia which is a condition I have on top of the disability caused from the accident in 2004. Consequently, finding balance between resting and exercising is really important.
Tuesday I managed to cycle 3.6k it was a lovely sunny day here.
Today, saw a very windy day where I cycle, thankfully the rain held off for the time I was out, but the wind made it difficult. Still glad I got out and cycled 2.4k, against the wind it certainly felt further than that.
Here’s hoping for less windy weather when I go out again and perhaps managing further.
Please if you feel able to share my posts, please do to raise awareness of the challenge I have set myself and help me reach my fundraising goal for this very worthy charity.
If you would like to know why more about this challenge and perhaps donate to this amazing charity if you feel able
To find out more about CSSEF please copy and paste address:
To find out more about the Twilight Runway Challenge please copy and paste this address: